Trainers, We are excited to share a few more details with you regarding Pokémon GO: – Central and South America – Break out the sneakers and Poké Balls, and get ready to explore the world around you. We are excited to officially be putting Pokémon GO in the hands of our Latin American fans, visitors, and the Olympic athletes in Rio! – We have been hearing the feedback loud and clear about the removal of the Battery Saver mode on iOS devices. We had removed this feature as several users were experiencing it to be buggy, but we are fairly confident that a fix for this should roll out within the next several days. – A few of our Legendary Pokémon had erroneously been granted to some Trainers. Thanks to the help of several of our Trainers, we were able to locate them and bring them home safely. We have been working long hours to fix many other bugs and bring some exciting new features to Pokémon GO in the future. However, next up for us is the continued roll-out of Pokémon GO to more countries around the world. As always, be safe, be nice to your fellow trainers, and keep on exploring. The Pokémon GO teamEt oui, Niantic avoue noir sur blanc qu’il est l’auteur de ce petit « problème » qui a rendu jaloux plus d’un. Alors, les trois légendaires seront-ils distribués aléatoirement dans tout le globe à certaines personnes « sélectionnées » ou lors d’événements spéciaux? Affaire à suivre…
Artikodin dans Pokémon GO?
Artikodin, Électhor et Sulfura sont les Pokémon emblématiques des Team respectives Mystic, Instinct et Valor. De plus, il font partie des Pokémon introuvables dans le jeu…jusqu’à maintenant.
En effet, certains Dresseurs ont eu la drôle de surprise de voir qu’Artikodin était sur le trône d’une arène Pokémon.
C’est à ce moment que tout le monde croit au hack, mais une publication sur la page Facebook officielle de Pokémon GO nous fait croire tout le contraire :